Hi there, if you read the title you will realise that my name is George. I am the creator of the ICL, ive always wanted there to be clash of clans tournaments for clan wars and decided that i might as well make it myself seeing as i couldn't find any others. I am a townhall 10 and am i member of the clan highjump war. Yes even the leaders think the name is wierd! Ive been playing clash since november 2013 although only started playing regularly after clan wars were released. I see myself as a war specialist and my aim if to try to maintain a streak of perfect wars with both my main acc and my mini acc which is a th8.
Ok thats enough about the generic clash info, im a big football fan and a supporter of Man City, no i don't support them because their rich and ive been supporting them since 2006 which is before the legendary sheikh mansour arrived. I currently live in England although i spent half my life living in New Zealand.
Hey if your still reading thanks! I tried not to make it too boring but i started to fall asleep reading it back so.....